
Teach Abroad Blog

Teaching abroad

How to Not Get Stuck in a Crappy Job

How to Not Get Stuck in a Crappy Job

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and to teach abroad but don’t know where to begin. In the four years I’ve spent in Asia, I’ve had a variety of jobs in and out of teaching. I’ve had some great teaching jobs, as well as some not-so-great ones. I write this to help every newbie who is thinking of getting a teaching job overseas, to make the best of their experience and get a position that will make them happy and enjoy their time in a foreign country. I wish someone gave me this advice when I was looking for a teaching position; it would have saved me a lot of time, effort, and headaches along the way.

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7 Unexpected Benefits of Teaching Abroad

7 Unexpected Benefits of Teaching Abroad

There are many benefits of teaching abroad; some are more foreseeable than others. Everyone who wants to live in a foreign country knows that they will have a lot of adventure and excitement, but you might not fully grasp all the perks that go along with it. Here are some of the benefits you didn’t know you could experience:

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Is it TEFL or TESOL?

Is it TEFL or TESOL?

To be perfectly honest, they mean the exact same thing! The two major differences between these terms are 1. The name and 2. the geographic region where the English learners live. Let me explain.

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Living Abroad

Asian Squat Toilet vs. Western Sit Toilet: The Down and Dirty

Asian Squat Toilet vs. Western Sit Toilet: The Down and Dirty

If you’ve been teaching in China, then you’ve probably used the so-called squatting toilet. Abhorred my many foreigners, this toilet forces you to squat down when going number two, greatly reducing the comfort of your bathroom visit. Some say it’s a backward and demeaning practice, others laud the squatting toilet for its naturalist approach to bowel movements. Considering the many debates we’ve had with both foreign and Asian colleagues and friends about the benefits and drawbacks of the squatter, we decided to delve into the world of toilets and look deeper into (1) The history of the western toilet (2) The proposed health benefits of the squatting toilets.

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The Growth of China in 15 photos

The Growth of China in 15 photos

China’s massive growth spurt over the last 20 years has been well popularized by the international media. A GDP growth rate that has hovered around 10% since Deng Xiao Ping’s Economic reforms in the early 1980s. China consumes twice as much steel as Japan, USA and Europe combined. China will build 50,000 sky scrapers by 2025, the equivalent of 10 New York Cities. More people will move from the country side to the city between now and 2030 than the entire current US population, the biggest and fastest urban migration in the history of the planet. In the period between 1981 and 2010 approximately 680 million Chinese people were lifted above the poverty line.

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Watching the World Cup in Shanghai

Watching the World Cup in Shanghai

Yes it’s finally that time, the event football (that’s soccer for you sodden Americans out there) fans around the world eagerly wait for is finally here….the FIFA World Cup. Every four years a nation is united and collectively holds its breathe in anticipation, giving the chance for players to carve themselves a reputation amongst the games immortal heroes, or collapse under the relentless pressure of an expecting nation on the biggest of world stages.

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