
Teach Abroad Blog

Teaching abroad

Teaching in China

Teaching in China

You may have just received an offer to teach at a great school in Beijing and in your excitement, you accept the offer without hesitation. Sometimes with our excitement, we become blind to the risks and precautions we need to take. What may look great on paper may not be in real life. Teaching in China has long been a popular choice of adventure for those who wish to experience a different culture as well as those who are looking to further their careers., however, it’s important to know what to expect and the reality of the situation. Here are a few things that you should take into account:

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How to begin teaching abroad

How to begin teaching abroad

First off, you need to make sure you’re ready.  95% of schools are going to require at least a 1 year commitment. Everyone is relying on you to fulfill this obligation. The school’s reputation with the parents is based on the quality of their teachers. The parents don’t want to see their kids changing teachers every 3 months. It’s not effective for learning.  So, you have to go into it with the right expectations.  If you spent extended time traveling abroad in the past, then you have probably already developed the right mindset and will be ready to face the challenges that come with living in a foreign country. If you haven’t traveled long term, then just expect a period of adjustment. Part of the commitment of Teaching Nomad is to set you up with schools that have quality programs designed to make this transition time easier.

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Creating a Resume for Teaching English Abroad

Creating a Resume for Teaching English Abroad

So, you’ve finally decided to make the jump and teach abroad! Now it’s time to refresh or create your teaching English abroad resume.

There are many schools looking to hire foreigners, but how do you make yourself stand out from the crowd? The school’s first impression of you will be based off your resume.

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Living Abroad

Living in a Third Tier City

Living in a Third Tier City

To many of us the thought of going to a third tier Chinese city can be pretty daunting. Although, if you’re looking to experience the “real” China there is no other option.

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Medical Facilities

Medical Facilities

Medical care in China is very varied in such a vast country. In major municipalities like Shanghai, there is a wealth of medical care available. Expats should feel secure regarding medical facilities, where there are usually three types of providers: Western-style hospitals and clinics, regular clinics in local hospitals, and VIP clinics in local hospitals.

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Adaptability in China

Adaptability in China

What does it take in order to be successful while teaching in China? I’ve often considered this question while interviewing potential candidates for various teaching positions. Why do some teachers make the transition to teaching abroad in China so easily, while others find the transition to life here more challenging? In my experience, successful teachers (and other types of expats) typically share one trait—adaptability.

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