
Teach Abroad Blog

Teaching abroad

How to Teach English

How to Teach English

Let’s face it: China is expanding on a global front and fast. China is a big-time player in the world’s economy and the amount of millionaires surfacing here is shooting through the roof. Even though the Chinese are dominating the scene, the likelihood that the rest of the world will jump up and learn Chinese is not that high, however, the Chinese already started years ago sending their children to boarding schools in the US and UK to master the world’s lingua franca.

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My life in Shanghai

My life in Shanghai

Hello my name is Emanuel Ruiz and I currently live and work in Shanghai in China.  As most teachers in America know, budget cuts and test results can take the passion out of the teaching profession. I felt overworked and unappreciated.  The lack of job security loomed over me and I was expected to work over 40 hours a week with no compensation.  Finding new employment was a struggle because the US job market was and has been in decline.

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Choosing Your EFL Teaching Job – The WebMD Effect

Choosing Your EFL Teaching Job – The WebMD Effect

So you are contemplating an EFL teaching job or even better, have been offered one!  For many of us 21st century people, the next step is to research your school and where better to look than online forums.  Unfortunately, there’s a lot of negativity out there!  So, here’s where I want to caution you on what I call the Web MD effect: diagnosing an illness based on apparent symptoms.  What could I possibly know about any of this?  Well, I have been a teacher for many years including U.S. public school, and so my … gibberish … detector is pretty strong.  So read on, to see the true, the false, and the meaning of it all.

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Living Abroad

5 ways to save money while living in China

5 ways to save money while living in China

Moving to China is a fantastic and life altering experience, particularly for someone who has never lived abroad before. Seeing the world through the lens of another society, one with a radically different culture and history and a vastly different center of focus inevitably changes how you view the world and your own society back home. This makes teaching in China rewarding in and of itself. However for most of us rewarding cultural experiences don’t pay off student loans. So for those of us without the benefit of a well-padded bank vault here are some tips for saving money will living in the middle kingdom.

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Five Tips To Survive Your First Three Months In China

Five Tips To Survive Your First Three Months In China

Living in China has always been at the back of my mind since I interned in Shanghai in 2009. During that summer I fell in love with the city, the people and the adventures; I knew I wanted to come back and call this city “home”. Deciding to move was the easy part, and actually making the move was much harder than I could have imagined. Boston was my home for the past 9 years. While it was hard to say goodbye, the excitement of the great unknown helped me to look forward. I was not able to secure a job before I moved but I took a leap of faith and came on a three month tourist visa. With three suitcases, I landed in Pudong International Airport and thus began the most exhilarating yet stressful first 90 days of my life! Whether you are teaching in China or moving here for other reasons, here are five tips on how I survived the first 3 months in China:

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Teaching and Travelling

Teaching and Travelling

Teaching abroad is a great option for those who want to see different parts of the world, while still having a career and a steady paycheck. Full time teaching work in China on average will pay between CNY9,000 – 20,000/month. Given the cost of living in China, this is enough to cover day to day living expenses, including accommodation, eating out etc., as well as allowing you to save money each month to spend travelling. You can use this money to go on several short breaks around the country throughout your time in China, or else save your money and go on a longer trip around China and other parts of Asia during summer vacation.

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