
Teach Abroad Blog

Teaching abroad

Why Do I Still Teach ESL?

Why Do I Still Teach ESL?

Before teaching English in China, I was working in Chicago. I had a good sales and marketing job in the industry of my choice building a name for myself. Also, I was making good money, heading towards $70K the year I quit, in a world famous city. But I noticed after achieving this job, my interests started to change, and those who inspired me moved away deeper into their passions. And worst of all, I was becoming bored of the city routine.

Teaching English was my way of fulfilling points on my bucket list: traveling abroad and learning a foreign language.
Teaching English was something I never considered for a long-term career decision. I knew of people who’ve done it before but always returned to their lives in the states. I signed up for a year and assumed I’ll return home shortly after.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Teaching License

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Teaching License

If you are new to teaching, we wouldn’t really suggest looking into any sort of licensure options at this point in your career.  However, if you’ve been teaching abroad for some time now and are legitimately considering a long-term career in teaching, here are a few reasons why getting proper licensure will be the best career move you can make.

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6 Questions to Consider Before Teaching Abroad in the Middle East

6 Questions to Consider Before Teaching Abroad in the Middle East

With one of the highest concentrations of international schools, the Middle East is one of the most popular destinations for expat teachers. The culturally diverse area that’s one of the “cradles of civilization” is a wonderful place to work, but there are some questions you should ask before you board the your next Emirates flight. This article deals with some important issues to consider, from the facetious (how hard is it to get a beer) to the more serious questions (how much do I know about religion).

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Living Abroad

Preparing for the UAE

Preparing for the UAE

Congratulations on getting your new job in the UAE! We know that you are excited about starting your new job and broadening your horizons by living overseas! In order to make your move to UAE more comfortable, we would like to recommend a few pointers that will make your transition more seamless. Sometimes, we can get so caught up in the excitement that we forget to tie up loose ends back at home.  A brief list of important things to take care of before you leave.

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The Conservative Ways of The Middle East

The Conservative Ways of The Middle East

Moving to the Middle East as a teacher has many perks; be it the exciting new culture, the bazars, the tax free advantage, and nice lifestyle. Doing research about your new home away from home is nevertheless necessary to make sure you understand all the “do’s” and “don’t” before you arrive. To help preapre you for a new adventure, we’ve listed some of the more conservative customs of the region. These are likely very different from your home country and very important to the local people.

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