
Teach Abroad Blog

Teaching abroad

How to begin teaching abroad

How to begin teaching abroad

First off, you need to make sure you’re ready.  95% of schools are going to require at least a 1 year commitment. Everyone is relying on you to fulfill this obligation. The school’s reputation with the parents is based on the quality of their teachers. The parents don’t want to see their kids changing teachers every 3 months. It’s not effective for learning.  So, you have to go into it with the right expectations.  If you spent extended time traveling abroad in the past, then you have probably already developed the right mindset and will be ready to face the challenges that come with living in a foreign country. If you haven’t traveled long term, then just expect a period of adjustment. Part of the commitment of Teaching Nomad is to set you up with schools that have quality programs designed to make this transition time easier.

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Creating a Resume for Teaching English Abroad

Creating a Resume for Teaching English Abroad

So, you’ve finally decided to make the jump and teach abroad! Now it’s time to refresh or create your teaching English abroad resume.

There are many schools looking to hire foreigners, but how do you make yourself stand out from the crowd? The school’s first impression of you will be based off your resume.

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How to Teach Abroad

How to Teach Abroad

Here is a quick guide on how to teach abroad put together by the team here at Teaching Nomad:

1. Make a list of goals and priorities: When you are unsure of where to start…start with yourself! What are your goals for teaching abroad? What kind of experience would you like to have?

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Living Abroad

Teaching and Travelling

Teaching and Travelling

Teaching abroad is a great option for those who want to see different parts of the world, while still having a career and a steady paycheck. Full time teaching work in China on average will pay between CNY9,000 – 20,000/month. Given the cost of living in China, this is enough to cover day to day living expenses, including accommodation, eating out etc., as well as allowing you to save money each month to spend travelling. You can use this money to go on several short breaks around the country throughout your time in China, or else save your money and go on a longer trip around China and other parts of Asia during summer vacation.

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8 Things I Miss About China

8 Things I Miss About China

I’ve recently returned from a year of living abroad in China and oh how I miss it! For someone who went to China kicking and screaming, my homecoming has been bittersweet.

At the behest of my employers (actually no, I think this is great because all I’ve been doing since returning home is complaining to friends and family about how I want to be back in China so they probably appreciate that I’m letting it all out) I’ve been asked to write about what I miss about China. I have eight things here, but keep in mind; I could go on for DAYS about what I miss, so eight seemed like a good cap.

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Diary of a China Newbie

Diary of a China Newbie

My first abroad experience was Taiwan. I went there to study Mandarin through a partnership with my home school, Mississippi State University. While I was in the country I met a lot of very interesting expatriates. One of the veteran teachers there told me, “if you enjoy Taiwan, you should try China. Taipei is like a retirement city compared to Shanghai”.

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